ضميمه ۲
رسول ميثاق خدا
از قرآن، آخرین کتاب آسمانی، ترجمهٔ دکتر رشاد خلیفه
رسول ميثاق خدا، رسول متحد کننده است. مأموريت اوپاک کردن و متحد کردن اديان کنونى است در يک دين واحد : اسلام (تسليم).
اسلام اسم نيست ؛ بلکه توجيه تسليم کامل شخص است به تنها خدا، بدون بت قرار دادن عيسى، مريم، محمد يا مقدسين. هر کس داراى چنين مشخصاتى باشد "مسلمان" (تسليم شده) است. بنابراين، شخص ميتواند يهودى مسلمان، مسيحى مسلمان، هندوى مسلمان، بودايى مسلمان يا مسلمان مسلمان باشد.
رسول ميثاق خدا ادعاى خدا مبنى بر اينکه "تنها دين قابل قبول از نظر خدا، تسليم است" را تحويل ميدهد (۳:۱۹) و اينکه "هر کس غير از تسليم را بعنوان دين انتخاب کند، از او قبول نخواهد شد" (۳:۸۵).
رسول خدا بايد اثباتى جهت رسالتش نشان دهد. هر رسولى با نشانه هاى انکار ناپذير الهى مى آيد که ثابت مى کند که او از طرف قادر مطق تأييد شده است تا پيغام هاى خدا را تحويل دهد. موسى چوب دستى خود را انداخت و به مار تبديل شد، عيسى بخواست خدا جزامى را شفا داد و مرده را زنده کرد، نشانه صالح شتر معروفش بود، ابراهيم از ميان آتش گدشت، و معجزه محمد قرآن بود (۲۹:۵۰-۵۱).
قرآن (آيات ۳:۸۱، ۳۳:۷، ۳۳:۴۰)، و انجيل (آيات ۳ - ۳:۱ در بخش ملاکى ) آمدن رسول متحد کننده، رسول ميثاق خدا را پيشگويى کرده اند. جايز است که رسولى با اين مأموريت بسيار مهم با قويترين معجزه حمايت شود (۳۵ - ۷۴:۳۰). در حالى که معجزات رسولان قبلى از لحاظ زمان و مکان محدود بوده اند، معجزه خدا جهت حمايت از رسول ميثاقش ابدى است؛ در هر زمان و هر مکانى میتواند بواسطه هر کسى مشاهده شود.
اين ضميمه شامل شواهد عينى، قابل امتحان، قابل تحقيق، و انکار ناپذيرى است که ثابت ميکنند رشاد خليقه رسول ميثاق خدا است.
حقيقت قرآنى
يکى از پيگويى هاى مهم در قرآن اينست که رسول ميثاق خدا پس از اينکه همه پيغمبران به اين دنيا آمدند، و پس از اينکه همه کتابهاى خدا تحويل داده شدند، فرستاده خواهد شد.
خدا از پيغمبران عهد گرفت، گفت، "من کتاب و حکمت به شما خواهم داد. بعد از آن، رسولى براى تصديق همه کتابهاى موجود خواهد آمد. به او ايمان آوريد و او را حمايت کنيد." او گفت، "آيا با اين موافق هستيد و از اين ميثاق پيروى خواهيد کرد" آنها گفتند، "موافق هستيم." او گفت، "پس شما شهادت داده ايد، و من هم با شما شاهد هستم."
قرآن ۳:۸۱
محمد مارمادوک پيکتال آيه ۳:۸۱ را اينطور ترجمه کرد:
هنگاميکه الله عهد (خود را) با پيغمبران بست، (او گفت) : ببينيد آنچه من از کتاب و علم به شما داده ام. و بعدها رسولى بر شما خواهد آمد که آنچه را شما داريد، تصديق ميکند. به او ايمان آوريد و به او کمک کنيد. او گفت : آيا موافق هستيد، و آيا بار من را (که بر شما قرار دادم) در اين (مورد) برميداريد آنها جواب دادند : ما موافق هستيم. او گفت: پس شهادت بدهيد. من با شما شاهد هستم.
۳:۸۱ از نظر محمد مارمادوک پيکتال
ما از سوره ۳۳ مىآموزيم که محمد يکى از پيغمبرانى بود که با خدا آن عهد محکم را بست.
و هنگاميکه ما عهد محکمى از پيغمبران و از تو (اى محمد) و از نوح و ابراهيم و موسى و عيسى پسر مريم گرفتيم، ما از ايشان عهدى مهم گرفتيم.
۳۳:۷ بر طبق ترجمه محمد مارمادوک پيکتال
Verse ۳:۸۱, among many other verses, provides the definitions of "Nabi" (Prophet) and "Rasoul" (Messenger). Thus, "Nabi" is a messenger of God who delivers a new scripture, while "Rasoul" is a messenger commissioned by God to confirm existing scripture; he does not bring a new scripture. According to the Quran, every "Nabi" is a "Rasoul," but not every "Rasoul" is a "Nabi."
Not every messenger was given a new scripture. It is not logical that God will give a scripture to a prophet, then ask him to keep it exclusively for himself, as stated by some Muslim "scholars" (۲:۴۲, ۱۴۶, ۱۵۹). Those who are not sufficiently familiar with the Quran tend to think that Aaron was a "Nabi," as stated in ۱۹:۵۳, who did not receive a scripture. However, the Quran clearly states that the Torah was given specifically "to both Moses and Aaron" (۲۱:۴۸, ۳۷:۱۱۷).
We learn from the Quran, ۳۳:۴۰, that Muhammad was the last prophet (Nabi), but not the last messenger (Rasoul):
Muhammad was not the father of any of your men; he was a messenger (Rasoul) of God and the last prophet (Nabi).
- Quran, ۳۳:۴۰
This crucial definition is confirmed by the Quran's mathematical code. The expression used in ۳۳:۴۰, "Muhammad Khaatum Al-Nabiyyeen" (the last prophet) has a gematrical value of ۱۳۴۹, ۱۹×۷۱, while the value of the erroneous expression "Muhammad Khaatum Al-Mursaleen" (the last messenger) is not a multiple of ۱۹.
From time immemorial, it has been a human trait to reject a contemporary, living messenger. Joseph was declared "the last messenger" (۴۰:۳۴). Yet, many messengers came after him, including Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and Muhammad.
The Covenant Fulfilled
Although the prophets are dead, as far as this world is concerned, we know that their souls, the real persons, are now in the Garden of Eden where Adam & Eve lived. Several verses enjoin us from thinking that the believers who shed their bodies and departed this world are dead (۲:۱۵۴, ۳:۱۶۹, ۴:۶۹). Although they cannot come back to our world (۲۳:۱۰۰), they are "alive" in Paradise. Please see ضميمه ۱۷.
During my Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, and before sunrise on Tuesday, Zul-Hijjah ۳, ۱۳۹۱, December ۲۱, ۱۹۷۱, I, Rashad Khalifa, the soul, the real person, not the body, was taken to some place in the universe where I was introduced to all the prophets as God's Messenger of the Covenant. I was not informed of the details and true significance of this event until Ramadan ۱۴۰۸.
What I witnessed, in sharp consciousness, was that I was sitting still, while the prophets, one by one, came towards me, looked at my face, then nodded their heads. God showed them to me as they had looked in this world, attired in their respective mode of dress. There was an atmosphere of great awe, joy, and respect.
Except for Abraham, none of the prophets was identified to me. I knew that all the prophets were there, including Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Aaron, David, Noah, and the rest. I believe that the reason for revealing Abraham's identity was that I asked about him. I was taken aback by the strong resemblance he had with my own family - myself, my father, my uncles. It was the only time that I wondered, "Who is this prophet who looks like my relatives?" The answer came: "Abraham." No language was spoken. All communication was done mentally.
It is noteworthy that the date of this fulfillment of the prophets' covenant was Zul-Hijja ۳, ۱۳۹۱. If we add the month (۱۲), plus the day (۳), plus the year (۱۳۹۱), we get a total of ۱۴۰۶, ۱۹×۷۴. Sura ۷۴ is where the Quran's common denominator, the number ۱۹, is mentioned. Note that the number ۱۴۰۶ is also the number of years from the revelation of the Quran to the revelation of its miracle (ضميمه ۱).
The mission of God's Messenger of the Covenant is to confirm existing scriptures, purify them, and consolidate them into one divine message. The Quran states that such a messenger is charged with restoring God's message to its pristine purity, to lead the righteous believers - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, and others - out of darkness into the light (۵:۱۹ & ۶۵:۱۱). He is to proclaim that Islam (total submission to God) is the only religion acceptable by God (۳:۱۹).
"Lo, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me; and suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek and the messenger of the covenant whom you desire. Yes, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who will endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? For he is like the refiner's fire, or like the fuller's lye."
- Malachi, ۳:۱-۲
The Proof
The name of God's Messenger of the Covenant is mathematically coded into the Quran as "Rashad Khalifa." This is certainly the most appropriate method of introducing God's messenger to the world in the computer-age.
[ ۱ ] As shown in ضميمه ۱, God's great miracle in the Quran is based on the prime number ۱۹, and it remained hidden for ۱۴۰۶ years (۱۹ × ۷۴). This awesome miracle was predestined by Almighty God to be unveiled through Rashad Khalifa. Hundreds of Muslim and Orientalist scholars during the last ۱۴ centuries have tried in vain, but none of them was permitted to decipher the significance of the Quranic Initials.
[ ۲ ] The Quran is made easy for the sincere believers and seekers (۵۴:۱۷, ۲۲, ۳۲, ۴۰ & ۳۹:۲۸). It is an irrevocable divine law that no one is permitted access to the Quran, let alone its great miracle, unless he or she is a sincere believer who is given specific divine authorization (۱۷:۴۵-۴۶, ۱۸:۵۷, ۴۱:۴۴, ۵۶:۷۹). The unveiling of the Quran's miracle through Rashad Khalifa is a major sign of his messengership.
[ ۳ ] The root word of the name "Rashad"

is "Rashada"

(to uphold the right guidance). This root word is mentioned in the Quran ۱۹ times. Nineteen is the Quran's common denominator (see INDEX TO THE WORDS OF QURAN, First Printing, Page ۳۲۰).
[ ۴ ] The word "Rashad" occurs in ۴۰:۲۹ & ۳۸. The word "Khalifa" occurs in ۲:۳۰ and ۳۸:۲۶. The first "Khalifa" refers to a non-human "Khalifa," namely, Satan, while the second occurrence (Sura ۳۸), refers to a human "Khalifa." If we add the numbers of suras and verses of "Rashad" (۴۰:۲۹, ۳۸) and "Khalifa" (۳۸:۲۶) we get ۴۰ + ۲۹ + ۳۸ + ۳۸ + ۲۶ = ۱۷۱ = ۱۹ × ۹.
[ ۵ ] The sum of all sura and verse numbers where all "Rashada" and all "Khalifa" occur, without discrimination, add up to ۱۴۶۳, ۱۹ × ۷۷ (Table ۱).
Table ۱: Suras and Verses of "Rashada" and "Khalifa"
"Rashada" | "Khalifa" |
No. | Sura | Verse | Sura | Verse |
۱. | ۲ | ۱۸۶ | (۲) | ۳۰ |
۲. | – | ۲۵۶ | ۳۸ | ۲۶ |
۳. | ۴ | ۶ | ||
۴. | ۷ | ۱۴۶ | ||
۵. | ۱۱ | ۷۸ | ||
۶. | – | ۸۷ | ||
۷. | – | ۹۷ | ||
۸. | ۱۸ | ۱۰ | ||
۹. | – | ۱۷ | ||
۱۰. | – | ۲۴ | ||
۱۱. | – | ۶۶ | ||
۱۲. | ۲۱ | ۵۱ | ||
۱۳. | ۴۰ | ۲۹ | ||
۱۴. | – | ۳۸ | ||
۱۵. | ۴۹ | ۷ | ||
۱۶. | ۷۲ | ۲ | ||
۱۷. | – | ۱۰ | ||
۱۸. | – | ۱۴ | ||
۱۹. | – | ۲۱ | (Sura ۲ is a Repeat) | |
۲۲۴ | ۱۱۴۵ | ۳۸ | ۵۶ |
۲۲۴ + ۱۱۴۵ + ۳۸ + ۵۶ = ۱۴۶۳ = ۱۹ × ۷۷ |
[ ۶ ] The total of all suras and verses where the root word "Rashada" occurs is ۱۳۶۹, or (۱۹ × ۷۲) + ۱, while the total for all occurrences of "Khalifa" is ۹۴, (۱۹ × ۵)-۱. The fact that "Rashada" is up by one and "Khalifa" is down by one pins down the name as "Rashad Khalifa," and not any "Rashad" or any "Khalifa."
[ ۷ ] The gematrical value of "Rashad" is ۵۰۵ and the value of "Khalifa" is ۷۲۵ (Table ۷, ضميمه ۱). If we add the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۱۲۳۰) to the sura numbers, and the number of verses, from the beginning of the Quran to the first occurrence of "Rashada," the total is ۱۴۲۵, ۱۹ × ۷۵. The details are given in Table ۲.
[ ۸ ] If we add the numbers of all the verses in every sura, i.e., the sum of verse numbers (۱ + ۲ + ۳ + ... + n) from the beginning of the Quran to the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada," the total comes to ۱۷۲۳۳, ۱۹ × ۹۰۷ (Table ۲).
Table ۲: The Suras and Verses from the beginning of the Quran to the First occurence of the Root Word "Rashada"
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Sum of Verse #s |
۱ | ۷ | ۲۸ |
۲ | ۱۸۵ | ۱۷۲۰۵ |
۳ | ۱۹۲ | ۱۷۲۳۳ (۱۹ × ۹۰۷) |
Also, "Rashad" (۵۰۵) + "Khalifa" (۷۲۵) + Sura Total (۳) + Total of Verses (۱۹۲) = ۱۴۲۵ (۱۹ × ۷۵) ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۳ + ۱۹۲ = ۱۴۲۵ = ۱۹ × ۷۵ |
[ ۹ ] The Quranic Initials constitute the basic foundation of the Quran's miracle. These initials occur in suras ۲, ۳, ۷, ۱۰, ۱۱, ۱۲, ۱۳, ۱۴, ۱۵, ۱۹, ۲۰, ۲۶, ۲۷, ۲۸, ۲۹, ۳۰, ۳۱, ۳۲, ۳۶, ۳۸, ۴۰, ۴۱, ۴۲, ۴۳, ۴۴, ۴۵, ۴۶, ۵۰, and ۶۸. If we add the sum of these numbers (۸۲۲) to the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۱۲۳۰), the total is ۲۰۵۲, ۱۹ × ۱۰۸.
[ ۱۰ ] As shown in Table ۳, if we add the numbers of all suras where the root word "Rashada" occurs, plus the number of verses, we get ۱۳۶۸, or ۱۹ × ۷۲.
Table ۳: The Suras Where the Root Word "Rashada" Occurs.
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Total |
۲ | ۲۸۶ | ۲۸۸ |
۴ | ۱۷۶ | ۱۸۰ |
۷ | ۲۰۶ | ۲۱۳ |
۱۱ | ۱۲۳ | ۱۳۴ |
۱۸ | ۱۱۰ | ۱۲۸ |
۲۱ | ۱۱۲ | ۱۳۳ |
۴۰ | ۸۵ | ۱۲۵ |
۴۹ | ۱۸ | ۶۷ |
۷۲ | ۲۸ | ۱۰۰ |
۲۲۴ | ۱۱۴۴ | ۱۳۶۸ (۱۹ × ۷۲) |
[ ۱۱ ] If we write down the sura number, followed by the number of verses per sura, followed by the individual verse numbers, from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" (۲:۱۸۶) to the last occurrence of "Rashada" (۷۲:۲۱), and place these numbers next to each other, we get a very long number that consists of ۱۱۰۸۷ digits, and is a multiple of ۱۹. This very long number begins with the number of Sura ۲, followed by the number of verses in Sura ۲ from the first occurrence of "Rashada" at verse ۱۸۶ to the end of the sura (۱۰۰ verses). Thus, the beginning of the number looks like this: ۲ ۱۰۰. The numbers of these ۱۰۰ individual verses (۱۸۷ to ۲۸۶) are placed next to this number. Thus, the number representing Sura ۲ looks like this: ۲ ۱۰۰ ۱۸۷ ۱۸۸ ۱۸۹ ..... ۲۸۵ ۲۸۶. The same process is carried out all the way to ۷۲:۲۱, the last occurrence of the root "Rashada." The complete number looks like this:
۲ ۱۰۰ ۱۸۷ ۱۸۸ ۱۸۹ ..... ۷۲ ۲۱ ۱ ۲ ۳ ..... ۱۹ ۲۰ ۲۱ |
The Sura number is followed by the number of verses, then the numbers of individual verses, from the first to the last occurrence of "Rashada" (۲:۱۸۷ through ۷۲:۲۱). The complete number consists of ۱۱۰۸۷ digits, and is divisible by ۱۹. |
[ ۱۲ ] If we examine the suras and verses from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" to the word "Khalifa" in ۳۸:۲۶, we find that the sum of sura numbers and their numbers of verses is ۴۵۴۱, or ۱۹ × ۲۳۹. The details are in Table ۴.
Table ۴: The Suras and Verses from the ۱st "Rashada" to "Khalifa."
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Total |
۲ | ۱۰۰ (۱۸۷-۲۸۶) | ۱۰۲ |
۳ | ۲۰۰ | ۲۰۳ |
۴ | ۱۷۶ | ۱۸۰ |
۵ | ۱۲۰ | ۱۲۵ |
– | – | – |
۳۶ | ۸۳ | ۱۱۹ |
۳۷ | ۱۸۲ | ۲۱۹ |
۳۸ | ۲۶ | ۶۴ |
۷۴۰ | ۳۸۰۱ | ۴۵۴۱ (۱۹ × ۲۳۹) |
[ ۱۳ ] When we write down the value of "Rashad" (۵۰۵), followed by the value of "Khalifa" (۷۲۵), followed by every sura number where the root word "Rashada" occurs, followed by the numbers of its verses, from the first "Rashada" (۲:۱۸۶) to the word "Khalifa" (۳۸:۲۶), we get a long number that is divisible by ۱۹.
The first occurrence of "Rashada" is in ۲:۱۸۶. So, we write down ۲ ۱۸۶. The second occurrence is in ۲:۲۵۶, so we write down ۲۵۶. The next occurrence is in ۴:۶, so we write down ۴ ۶, and so on, until we write down ۳۸ ۲۶ ("Khalifa" occurs in ۳۸:۲۶). The complete number looks like this:
۵۰۵ ۷۲۵ ۲ ۱۸۶ ۲۵۶ ۴ ۶ ............... ۳۸ ۲۶ |
The gematrical value of "Rashad" is followed by the value of "Khalifa," followed by the sura number and verse numbers of every occurrence of the root word "Rashada" from the first occurrence of "Rashada" to the occurrence of "Khalifa" in ۳۸:۲۶. |
The Only Religion Approved by God is Islam [۳:۱۹]
[ ۱۴ ] The Quran specifies three messengers of Islam (Submission):
Abrahamdelivered all the practices of Islam. The value of his name | = ۲۵۸ |
Muhammaddelivered the Quran. The value of his name | = ۹۲ |
Rashaddelivered Islam's proof of authenticity. The value of his name | = ۵۰۵ |
Total gematrical value of the ۳ names = ۲۵۸ + ۹۲ + ۵۰۵ | = ۸۵۵ (۱۹ × ۴۵) |
The true Judaism, Christianity, and Islam will be consolidated into one religion — complete submission and absolute devotion to God ALONE.
The existing religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are severely corrupted and will simply die out (۹:۳۳, ۴۸:۲۸, ۶۱:۹).
[ ۱۵ ] Since the Quran sometimes refers to "Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac," it was suggested that Ismail and Isaac should be included. Remarkably, the addition of Ismail and Isaac gave a total that is still a multiple of ۱۹. As shown in Table ۵, the new total is ۱۲۳۵, or ۱۹ × ۶۵. This divisibility by ۱۹ is not possible if any of the ۳ names Abraham, Muhammad, or Rashad is omitted.
Table ۵: Gematrical Value of the ۵ Messengers
Name | Value of Individual Letters | Total |
Abraham | ۱ + ۲ + ۲۰۰ + ۵ + ۱۰ + ۴۰ | ۲۵۸ |
Ismail | ۱ + ۶۰ + ۴۰ + ۷۰ + ۱۰ + ۳۰ | ۲۱۱ |
Isaac | ۱ + ۶۰ + ۸ + ۱۰۰ | ۱۶۹ |
Muhammad | ۴۰ + ۸ + ۴۰ + ۴ | ۹۲ |
Rashad | ۲۰۰ + ۳۰۰ + ۱ + ۴ | ۵۰۵ |
۱۲۳۵ | ۱۲۳۵ (۱۹ × ۶۵) |
Why ۸۱: Verse ۸۱ & Sura ۸۱
[ ۱۶ ] God's Messenger of the Covenant is prophesied in Verse ۸۱ of Sura ۳. The addition of the gematrical value of "Rashad" (۵۰۵), plus the gematrical value of "Khalifa" (۷۲۵), plus the Verse number (۸۱), produces ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۸۱ = ۱۳۱۱ = ۱۹ × ۶۹.
[ ۱۷ ] If we look at Sura ۸۱, we read about a messenger of God who is powerfully supported and authorized by the Almighty (Verse ۱۹). Thus, Verse ۸۱ of Sura ۳, and Sura ۸۱, Verse ۱۹ are strongly connected with the name "Rashad Khalifa" ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۸۱ = ۱۳۱۱ = ۱۹ × ۶۹
[ ۱۸ ] If we add the sura numbers plus the number of verses from the beginning of the Quran to Verse ۳:۸۱, where the Messenger of the Covenant is prophesied, the total comes to ۳۸۰, ۱۹ × ۲۰. These data are in Table ۶.
Table ۶: The Suras and Verses from ۱:۱ to ۳:۸۱
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Total |
۱ | ۷ | ۸ |
۲ | ۲۸۶ | ۲۸۸ |
۳ | ۸۱ | ۸۴ |
۶ | ۳۷۴ | ۳۸۰ (۱۹ X ۲۰) |
[ ۱۹ ] The gematrical value of Verse ۳:۸۱ is ۱۳۱۴۸, ۱۹ × ۶۹۲. This value is obtained by adding the gematrical values of every letter in the verse.
[ ۲۰ ] If we look at that portion of Verse ۳:۸۱ which refers specifically to the messenger of the Covenant: "A messenger will come to you, confirming what you have," in Arabic:

we find that the gematrical value of this key phrase is ۸۳۶, ۱۹ × ۴۴.
"Surely, You Are One of the Messengers" (۳۶:۳)
[ ۲۱ ] I was told most assertively, through the angel Gabriel, that Verse ۳ of Sura ۳۶ refers specifically to me. If we arrange the initialed suras only, starting with Sura ۲, then Sura ۳, then Sura ۷, and so on, we find that Sura ۳۶, Ya Seen, occupies position number ۱۹.
[ ۲۲ ] Verse ۳ of Sura ۳۶ says, "Surely, you are one of the messengers." The gematrical value of this phrase is ۶۱۲. By adding this value (۶۱۲), plus the sura number (۳۶), plus the verse number (۳), plus the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵), we get ۳۶ + ۳ + ۶۱۲ + ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ = ۱۸۸۱ = ۱۹ × ۹۹.
[ ۲۳ ] Sura ۳۶ consists of ۸۳ verses. If we add the sura number (۳۶), plus its number of verses (۸۳), plus the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۵۰۵+۷۲۵), we get ۳۶ + ۸۳ + ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ = ۱۳۴۹ = ۱۹ × ۷۱.
[ ۲۴ ] From ۳:۸۱, where the Messenger of the Covenant is prophesied, to Sura ۳۶, there are ۳۳۳۰ verses. By adding the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۱۲۳۰), to this number of verses (۳۳۳۰), we get ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۳۳۳۰ = ۴۵۶۰, ۱۹ × ۲۴۰.
[ ۲۵ ] From ۳:۸۱ to ۳۶:۳ there are ۳۳۳۳ verses. By adding this number to the gematrical value of "Rashad" (۵۰۵),we get ۳۳۳۳+۵۰۵ = ۳۸۳۸ = ۱۹ × ۲۰۲.
[ ۲۶ ] The number of verses from ۱:۱ to ۳۶:۳ is ۳۷۰۵, ۱۹ × ۱۹۵ (Table ۷).
[ ۲۷ ] The sum of verse numbers of every sura from ۱:۱ to ۳۶:۳ is ۲۵۷۹۲۵, ۱۹ × ۱۳۵۷۵ (Table ۷).
[ ۲۸ ] The sum of sura numbers from Sura ۱ to Sura ۳۶ is ۶۶۶ (Table ۷). If we add this sum to the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۵۰۵+۷۲۵), plus the gematrical value of verse ۳۶:۳ "Surely, you are one of the messengers," (۶۱۲), the total is: ۶۶۶ + ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۶۱۲ = ۲۵۰۸ = ۱۹ × ۱۳۲.
Table ۷: Suras and Verses From Sura ۱ to Verse ۳ of Sura ۳۶.
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Sum of Verse #s |
۱ | ۷ | ۲۸ |
۲ | ۲۸۶ | ۴۱۰۴۱ |
۳ | ۲۰۰ | ۲۰۱۰۰ |
– | – | – |
۹ | ۱۲۷ | ۸۱۲۸ |
– | – | – |
۳۴ | ۵۴ | ۱۴۸۵ |
۳۵ | ۴۵ | ۱۰۳۵ |
۳۶ | ۲ | ۳ |
۶۶۶ | ۳۷۰۵ | ۲۵۷۹۲۵ |
(۱۹ × ۱۹۵) | (۱۹ × ۱۳۵۷۵) |
[ ۲۹ ] If we add the sum of verse numbers(۱ + ۲ + ۳ + ... + n) from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" (۲:۱۸۶) to ۳۶:۳ (You are one of the messengers) to the total of suras (۳۵), plus the sura numbers themselves, the total is ۲۴۱۳۹۵, or ۱۹ × ۱۲۷۰۵ (Table ۸).
[ ۳۰ ] The sum of sura numbers from the the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" to ۳۶:۳ is ۶۶۵, ۱۹ × ۳۵. Note that these are ۳۵ suras (Table ۸).
Table ۸: The Suras and Verses from the First "Rashada" to ۳۶:۳.
No. | Sura No. | Sum of Verse #s |
۱. | ۲ (۱۸۶-۲۸۶) | ۲۳۸۳۶ |
۲. | ۳ | ۲۰۱۰۰ |
۳. | ۴ | ۱۵۵۷۶ |
۴. | ۵ | ۷۲۶۰ |
– | – | – |
۱۰. | ۹ | ۸۱۲۸ |
– | – | – |
۳۳. | ۳۴ | ۱۴۸۵ |
۳۴. | ۳۵ | ۱۰۳۵ |
۳۵. | ۳۶ (۱-۳) | ۶ |
۳۵ | ۶۶۵ | ۲۴۰۶۹۵ |
۳۵ + ۶۶۵ + ۲۴۰۶۹۵ = ۲۴۱۳۹۵ (۱۹ × ۱۲۷۰۵) |
"A Messenger to the People of the Scripture" (Jews, Christians, and Muslims)
O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you, to clarify things for you, after a long period without messengers. Lest you say, "No preacher or warner has come to us." A preacher and warner has come to you. God is Omnipotent.
- Quran, ۵:۱۹
[ ۳۱ ] Obviously, the number of this verse is ۱۹, the Quran's common denominator discovered by Rashad, and the number of occurrences of "Rashada" in the Quran.
[ ۳۲ ] If we add the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۱۲۳۰), plus the sura number (۵), plus the verse number (۱۹), we get ۱۲۳۰ + ۵ + ۱۹ = ۱۲۵۴ = ۱۹ × ۶۶.
[ ۳۳ ] The sum of the sura numbers and the number of verses from the beginning of the Quran to this verse (۵:۱۹) is ۷۰۳, ۱۹ × ۳۷. See Table ۹.
Table ۹: The Suras and Verses from the Beginning to ۵:۱۹.
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Total |
۱ | ۷ | ۸ |
۲ | ۲۸۶ | ۲۸۸ |
۳ | ۲۰۰ | ۲۰۳ |
۴ | ۱۷۶ | ۱۸۰ |
۵ | ۱۹ | ۲۴ |
۱۵ | ۶۸۸ | ۷۰۳ (۱۹ × ۳۷) |
[ ۳۴ ] Sura ۹۸, "The Proof," Verse ۲, proclaims the advent of God's Messenger of the Covenant for the benefit of "The People of the Scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims)." By adding the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵) to the sura number (۹۸), plus the verse number (۲), we get: ۵۰۵ + ۷۲۵ + ۹۸ + ۲ = ۱۳۳۰ = ۱۹ × ۷۰.
[ ۳۵ ] It is noteworthy that the word "Bayyinah," which means "Profound Sign," and is the title of Sura ۹۸, occurs in the Quran ۱۹ times. This is another mathematical confirmation that the Quran's proof of divine authorship is based on the prime number ۱۹, and that "Rashad Khalifa" is the messenger in ۹۸:۲.
Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, Muslims), and the idolators, will not believe, despite the profound sign given to them.
- Quran, ۹۸:۱
A messenger from God, reciting Sacred Scriptures.
- Quran, ۹۸:۲
A Profound Messenger Has Come [۴۴:۱۳]
[ ۳۶ ] By adding the sura numbers, plus the number of verses in each sura, from the ۱:۱ to ۴۴:۱۳, the total comes to ۵۴۱۵, ۱۹ × ۱۹ × ۱۵ (Table ۱۰).
[ ۳۷ ] The sum of the sura number (۴۴) plus the number of the verse where the messenger is predicted (۱۳) equals ۵۷, ۱۹×۳. See Table ۱۰.
Table ۱۰: The Suras and Verses from ۱:۱ to ۴۴:۱۳
Sura No. | No. of Verses | Total |
۱ | ۷ | ۸ |
۲ | ۲۸۶ | ۲۸۸ |
۳ | ۲۰۰ | ۲۰۳ |
۴ | ۱۷۶ | ۱۸۰ |
۵ | ۱۲۰ | ۱۲۵ |
– | – | – |
۹ | ۱۲۷ | ۱۳۶ |
– | – | – |
۴۱ | ۵۴ | ۹۵ |
۴۲ | ۵۳ | ۹۵ |
۴۳ | ۸۹ | ۱۳۲ |
۴۴ | ۱۳ | ۵۷ |
۹۹۰ | ۴۴۲۵ | ۵۴۱۵ |
(۱۹ × ۱۹ × ۱۵) |
[ ۳۸ ] God is the only Knower of the future; He knows exactly when this world will end (۷:۱۸۷, ۳۱:۳۴, ۳۳:۶۳, ۴۱:۴۷, ۴۳:۸۵). We learn from the Quran that God reveals certain aspects of the future to His chosen messengers. In ضميمه ۲۵, evidence is presented that Rashad Khalifa was blessed with unveiling the End of the World, in accordance with ۷۲:۲۷.
[ ۳۹ ] The number of verses from the beginning of the Quran to Verse ۷۲:۲۷ is ۵۴۷۲, or ۱۹×۷۲×۴. Note that the messenger who is given information about the future in ۷۲:۲۷, and that this sura contains ۴ "Rashada" words (۷۲:۲, ۱۰, ۱۴, & ۲۱). By adding the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (۱۲۳۰), plus the sura number (۷۲), plus the numbers of the ۴ verses where "Rashada" is mentioned, we get ۱۲۳۰ + ۷۲ + ۲ + ۱۰ + ۱۴ + ۲۱ = ۱۳۴۹ = ۱۹ × ۷۱.
[ ۴۰ ] Verse ۷۲:۲۷ begins with the statement:

(Only the Messenger that He chooses)
This reference to the messenger who is chosen by God to receive news about the future has a gematrical value of ۱۹۱۹. Table ۱۱ presents the data.
Table ۱۱: Gematrical Value of the Chosen Messenger in ۷۲:۲۷.

Letter | Gematrical Value |
A | ۱ |
L | ۳۰ |
A | ۱ |
M | ۴۰ |
N | ۵۰ |
A | ۱ |
R | ۲۰۰ |
T | ۴۰۰ |
D | ۸۰۰ |
Y | ۱۰ |
M | ۴۰ |
N | ۵۰ |
R | ۲۰۰ |
S | ۶۰ |
W | ۶ |
L | ۳۰ |
۱۹۱۹ |
The Quran provides straightforward criteria to distinguish the true messengers of God from the false messengers:
[ ۱ ] God's messenger advocates the worship of God ALONE, and the abolition of all forms of idol worship.
[ ۲ ] God's messenger never asks for a wage for himself.
[ ۳ ] God's messenger is given divine, incontrovertible proof of his messengership.
Anyone who claims to be God's messenger, and does not meet the three minimum criteria listed above is a false claimant.
The most important difference between God's messenger and a fake messenger is that God's messenger is supported by God, while the fake messenger is not:
- God's messenger is supported by God's invisible soldiers (۳:۱۲۴-۱۲۶, ۹:۲۶ & ۴۰, ۳۳:۹, ۳۷:۱۷۱-۱۷۳, ۴۸:۴ & ۷, ۷۴:۳۱).
- God's messenger is supported by God's treasury (۶۳:۷-۸).
- God's messenger, as well as the believers, are guaranteed victory and dignity, in this world and forever (۴۰:۵۱ & ۵۸:۲۱).
Thus, the truthfulness of God's messenger invariably prevails, while the falsehood of a fake messenger invariably, sooner or later, is exposed.
As stated in the Quran, ۳:۸۱, God's Messenger of the Covenant shall confirm all the scriptures, which were delivered by all the prophets, and restore them to their original purity.
When the believers are faced with a problem, they develop a number of possible solutions, and this invariably leads to considerable bickering, disunity, and disarray. We learn from ۲:۱۵۱, ۳:۱۶۴, and ۲۱:۱۰۷ that it is but mercy from God that He sends to us messengers to provide the final solutions to our problems. We learn from ۴۲:۵۱ that God sends His messengers to communicate with us, and to disseminate new information. Hence the strong injunction in ۴:۶۵, ۸۰ to accept, without the slightest hesitation, the teachings delivered to us through God's messengers.
The following is a list of the principal duties of God's Messenger of the Covenant:
- Unveil and proclaim the Quran's mathematical miracle (ضميمه ۱).
- Expose and remove the two false verses ۹:۱۲۸-۱۲۹ from the Quran (ضميمه ۲۴).
- Explain the purpose of our lives; why we are here (ضميمه ۷).
- Proclaim one religion for all the people, and point out and purge away all the corruptions afflicting Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Appendices ۱۳, ۱۵, ۱۹).
- Proclaim that Zakat (obligatory charity) is a prerequisite for redemption (۷:۱۵۶), and explain the correct method of observing Zakat (ضميمه ۱۵).
- Unveil the end of the world (ضميمه ۲۵).
- Proclaim that those who die before the age of ۴۰ go to Heaven (ضميمه ۳۲).
- Explain Jesus' death (ضميمه ۲۲).
- Explain the Quran's delivery to, then through Muhammad (ضميمه ۲۸).
- Announce that Muhammad wrote God's revelations (the Quran) with his own hand (ضميمه ۲۸).
- Explain why most believers in God do not make it to Heaven (ضميمه ۲۷).
- Proclaim that God never ordered Abraham to kill his son (ضميمه ۹).
- Proclaim the secret of perfect happiness (Introduction, xx).
- Establish a criminal justice system (ضميمه ۳۷).