In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Appendix 17


from: Quran The Final Testament, by Rashad Khalifa, PhD.

Death is a great mystery to most people. Not so for the students of the Quran. We learn that death is exactly like sleeping; complete with dreams (6:60, 40:46). The period between death and resurrection passes like one night of sleep (2:259; 6:60; 10:45; 16:21; 18:11, 19, 25; 30:55).

At the moment of death, everyone knows his or her destiny; Heaven or Hell. For the disbelievers, death is a horrible event; the angels beat them on the faces and rear ends as they snatch away their souls (8:50, 47:27, 79:1).

Consistently, the Quran talks about two deaths, the first death took place when we failed to make a stand with God's absolute authority (Appendix 7). That first death lasted until we were born into this world. The second death terminates our life in this world (2:28, 22:66, 40:11).

The following page is a reproduction of the lead article from the February, 1990 issue of the Submitters Perspective, the monthly bulletin of United Submitters International. This was the second to last issue that was written by Dr. Khalifa. It was completed and mailed ahead of time, in December, 1989. Dr. Khalifa was martyred on January 31, 1990 and his soul was taken directly to Paradise.

The Righteous Do Not Really Die They Go Straight to Heaven

Arabic 01

Give good news to those who believe and work righteousness that they will have gardens with flowing streams. When provided with provisions of fruits therein, they will say, "This is what was given to us in the past." They will be given similar provisions, and they will have pure spouses therein. They abide therein forever. (2:25)

Arabic 02

Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; they are alive at their Lord, being provided for. (3:169)

Arabic 03

Do NOT say about those who are killed in the cause of God, "They are dead" For they are alive, but you do not perceive. (2:154)

Arabic 04

O you who believe, you shall respond to God and the messenger when he invites to what keeps you alive. (8:24)

Arabic 05

Those who emigrate in the cause of God, then get killed or die, God will surely provide for them a good provision. (22:58)

Arabic 06

They do not taste death, beyond the first death, and God spares them the retribution of Hell. (44:56)

Arabic 07

He was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "I wish my people (on earth) know, that my Lord has forgiven me and honored me." (36:26-27)

The wages of sin is death. [Romans 6:23]

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