Who can utter better words than one who invites to GOD, works righteousness, and says, “I am one of the submitters”? (41:33)

The word “Submitter” is the English equivalent of the Arabic word “Muslim”. The true meaning of this word is profound and has been greatly misunderstood. A submitter is defined as a person who submits to the will of God. The state of submission is a very personal relationship that takes place between an individual and Almighty God, and is the only acceptable form of worship by God. Therefore a “Submitter” is not just the name of a person following a specific religion: rather it describes one’s absolute devotion to God alone.
Anyone can be a submitter when one recognizes God’s absolute authority, and reaches a conviction that only God possess all power; no other entity possesses power independent of God. The natural result of such a realization is to devote one’s life and worship absolutely to God alone.
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